Monday, December 1, 2014

The Gift of Love ~ Roxanne Wright

The Advent Season
The Gift of Love
By Roxanne Wright

After listening to the news report concerning the death of Michael Brown and absorbing the grand jury’s decision not to indict Darren Wilson, I started to not write about the Advent season.  I was thoroughly disgusted with the judicial system, the politics of it all, and the eternal race-divide. I sat on my bed, watching the story on one of the national networks, I forget which channel, as thousands of indignantly irate protestors declared the injustice of it all. Then slowly, oh so slowly, with some restraint, I began to alter my thinking. 

At first, I pondered over the meaning of the advent season, contemplating the application of its meaning during this moment in history and more poignantly, how it applied to justice? Does the Advent season lack substance because Mercy, Compassion, Reconciliation seem to be blindsided by power, greed, and the love of money?  Or does hope overpower life’s tribulations?

Just as the light in my mind began to fade with frustration, the old hymn, “Love Lifted Me” penetrated my thoughts as thousands of people from all ethnicities stood together in unity reminding me that faith the size of a mustard seed embraces God’s love and faithfulness. Just as the anticipation of this extraordinary gift, the Son of God, adored by the heavens, proclaimed jubilantly by the angels brought joy and hope into the world, excitement and preparation for the birth, the Son of God, so human and yet…not, has brought peace and unity.

The Advent, I believe, will continuously reveal God’s offering of unconditional love. A love that is more precious than gold, more delicate than pearls, sweeter than honey from the honeycomb that removes the sins of the world and offers eternal harmony between God and humanity. And yes, the cries of injustice for the Michael Browns, the tears of suffering for the Angela Navarros will be heard. 

And Mercy, Compassion, Reconciliation, along with Justice will continue to strive forward as love’s arms embrace us.  Patience…the earth cries out.  Pray…the angels exclaim.  Stand…the heavens demand but God whispers…listen…the Advent is here.


  1. Roxanne's writing is poetic and heroic and timely. What a beautiful way to start advent at this particular juncture.

  2. Thanks Roxanne!!! I appreciate reading and pondering on your thoughts.

